every experience is unique.we are connecting thousands.

Addock is the next-generation B2B booking and fulfillment platform for Tours & Activities.
Give your customers exactly what they want with our innovative technlogy.

Join the world leading community of local experiences

Open Experiences help local Tours & Activities operators empowering and running their daily-life business.

We also work for leading travel brands by creating truly personalized travel experiences for their online customers.

Tours & Activities operators

Imagine a world where your on-going reservations, your website and all your distributors are connected in real-time on your calendar.

travel professionals & brands

At-destination, your customers are looking for unique moments. Launch your own “experiences” program without the hassle of managing.

A question ? We have the anwser.

We are experts on the Tours & Activities market .
Feel free to contact us to discuss further.

+33 (0)4 79 64 07 72

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